Join Us


become a Member of Wirral Transport Users Association


JOIN US TODAY! - The more members we have, the more pressure we can exert on the transport providers. Members have priority over non-members for places on trips, (if they reply within a few days of notification).


You can pay by cheque, PO or by bank transfer (WTUA’s bank account details given below). If using a bank transfer, (i) please ask the bank to give your name and postcode so that these appear on the WTUA’s bank statements and so the payment can be credited to you, (ii) please also return the completed form so that we know to look out for the transfer and so we have your email details, notification preferences and interests.


Subs Rates:

Individual: £8.00

Couple at same address: £10.00


Parish Council: £10.00

Representative Body: £15.00

Corporate Body: £25.00



Please view the form, fill in your details, print it and send it to us at the address given on the form.


More details on the association can be found at:



[Page last updated/checked 23/06/24